Home » Young dommes » The Apprentice
youngdommes Young Domme Annie is having an afternoons introductory course in training the slave. Although our crew was present for the afternoon the ladies only captured certain moments. Here is a small mix of some of those video moments recorded.. Including Domme Annie taking a leather strap to a male slave for the first time ever as well as watching it beg for forgiveness from Young Domme Franka. snapshot wmv 1280*720 151 mb 4 min Download">

The Apprentice

The Apprentice
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youngdommes Young Domme Annie is having an afternoons introductory course in training the slave. Although our crew was present for the afternoon the ladies only captured certain moments. Here is a small mix of some of those video moments recorded.. Including Domme Annie taking a leather strap to a male slave for the first time ever as well as watching it beg for forgiveness from Young Domme Franka. snapshot wmv 1280*720 151 mb 4 min Download

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