Home » Young dommes » Stableslave Trampling
bootlicking Young Domme Aalya arrives in the stable and finds her slave, who lurks in the hay instead of doing his work. Instantly he is punished. He is humiliated to lick the dirt from the boots of his mistress and is then prosecuted with a painful stiletto trampling. Look at the spiky heels skewing the slaves body and the careless goddess, trampling over the slave and again slipping painfully off the slave with her heels.. snapshot Download">

Stableslave Trampling

Stableslave Trampling
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bootlicking Young Domme Aalya arrives in the stable and finds her slave, who lurks in the hay instead of doing his work. Instantly he is punished. He is humiliated to lick the dirt from the boots of his mistress and is then prosecuted with a painful stiletto trampling. Look at the spiky heels skewing the slaves body and the careless goddess, trampling over the slave and again slipping painfully off the slave with her heels.. snapshot Download

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