Home » Young dommes » Spring Facestanding Nature
trampling This is a wonderful springy day, so Young Domme Anne decides to spend some quiet and relaxing moment in the countryside. Unfortunately while she is reading her book, a man arrives to ruin her day as he starts hitting on her heavily. Anne who doesn't want his advances, decides to get some fun to his cost instead as she crushes his face under her feet in any possible way. For our Real Facestanding Lovers, this is our first 100 % outdoor Facestanding video with amazing actions on the cold hard ground! wmv 640*480 627 mb 45 min Download ">

Spring Facestanding Nature

Spring Facestanding Nature
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trampling This is a wonderful springy day, so Young Domme Anne decides to spend some quiet and relaxing moment in the countryside. Unfortunately while she is reading her book, a man arrives to ruin her day as he starts hitting on her heavily. Anne who doesn't want his advances, decides to get some fun to his cost instead as she crushes his face under her feet in any possible way. For our Real Facestanding Lovers, this is our first 100 % outdoor Facestanding video with amazing actions on the cold hard ground! wmv 640*480 627 mb 45 min Download

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