Home » Young dommes » Her Highness
Princess Toni So here is some advice for u that one day may save u a great deal of discomfort. If u ever find urself naked and vulnerable at the mercy of any superior female but especially someone with Princess Toni’s attitude to the weaker sex. Just be as humble as u can. Curl up at Her feet and beg for mercy and to be allowed to worship her. U may escape the whip.. Unless she is bored of course.. 124 HQ pics Download ">

Her Highness

Her Highness
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Princess Toni So here is some advice for u that one day may save u a great deal of discomfort. If u ever find urself naked and vulnerable at the mercy of any superior female but especially someone with Princess Toni’s attitude to the weaker sex. Just be as humble as u can. Curl up at Her feet and beg for mercy and to be allowed to worship her. U may escape the whip.. Unless she is bored of course.. 124 HQ pics Download

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