Cucci is having his lunch when somebody knocks at his door. When he opens it, two tax inspectors announce themselves and ask him to enter n to check his documents. They enter his flat and start looking everywhere. Cucci tries to explain that it's his own flat and not his office but they don't seem to listen. They look very serious but this doesn't bother Cucci too much.....after all he has nothing to fear. Straight away they observe something wrong with his lampshades as it¹s fixed with a scotch tape that in their opinion is not safe.He tries to explain that it's his personal flat n not a public working place, but they don't care and starts to write down the 1st fine. Then they just note a crack in the ceiling... another fine is on its way.
Cucci is having his lunch when somebody knocks at his door. When he opens it, two tax inspectors announce themselves and ask him to enter n to check his documents. They enter his flat and start looking everywhere. Cucci tries to explain that it's his own flat and not his office but they don't seem to listen. They look very serious but this doesn't bother Cucci too much.....after all he has nothing to fear. Straight away they observe something wrong with his lampshades as it¹s fixed with a scotch tape that in their opinion is not safe.He tries to explain that it's his personal flat n not a public working place, but they don't care and starts to write down the 1st fine. Then they just note a crack in the ceiling... another fine is on its way.
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